It was clear by late fall 2019 that my first pamphlet series — A World Turned Upside Down — had run its course. No matter how disturbing things might be, the 2020 election campaign, for example, I was ready to think about repair.
Life even then was bigger than US politics. Climate change, Black Lives Matter and rampant economic equality showed ways we were already heading in destructive directions. The Evergreen State College Longhouse Native Arts program, Obamacare’s expansion of Medicaid and Greta Thunberg were among many inspirations for pressing on with repair. Opening this link will take you directly to the complete pamphlet and its links open when you click on them. What follows here are some additional live links.
The Pamphlet has five sections and a CODA
NONE OF US IS ALONE — Remember those who have died
IN REAL LIFE THERE’S NO INTERMISSION — Repair work: Essential workers or Frontline workers
WOMENS WORK — Repair work: National leadership asserts itself
AND Let’s not forget that laughter is good for our health
The New York Times has been running Diaries, how to maintain our health in humorous vein. May 20,2020 they published one by Lynda Barry, Evergreen State College Alum and MacArthur Genius Fellow made one.
MAKING MEMORIALS — The pamphlet recommends making memorials, particularly collective memorials to be visible in sites where people died. It is also important to make ones own suffering visible. I will be adding links to additional projects as I find out about them
There’s a description of a way to make the peony image on this page into a memorial. This will be explained in more detail in a day or two when I have finalized the best way to do it in real life.
MS Magazine announced a memorial project which has probably completely disappeared under the weight of the protests of the weekend of May 31. It remains pertinent, I would say. Perhaps even more than when it was announced.